Wednesday 25 August 2010

Treat Pussy right

...and once again, today's You've-gotta-be-kitten-me News headline: Coventry woman puts neighbour's tabby cat in a wheelie bin.


So Sky, The BBC and ITN's rolling "news" services have nowt better to do than hound Coventry bank-worker Mary Bale for putting her neighbour's moggy in a bin..... Really? Well I guess the suffering of millions of Pakistanis, 30 trapped Chilean miners, the folk caught up in that bus siege in Manila and the thousands of travellers stuck in the world's biggest traffic jam in China/Tibet don't amount to a hill of beans when compared with some fleabag cat? Sheesh. Makes me wonder what these news channels bumped off the schedule in order to focus on this most weighty of event?....

So anyway... Here's some feline themed filmic fulfilment.

First up, here's my hero, Bagpuss. It's the one about the marvellous mouse mill. It's a powerful allegory about Tony Blair's sexed-up WMD Dossier - well know, it's just a lovely little story.


Rap mocumentary Fear of a Black hat was unjustly overshadowed by lacklustre Chris Rock vehicle CB4. The former remains a sharp satire on NWA/PE-era hip hop. The latter was shit Here's a novel take on C&C Music Factory's "Good vibrations."


…And Finally, here’s to the definitive Catwoman, Julie Newmar.




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